Tune-In Alert! AFT Show presented by Royal Enfield is on AFT's Facebook TONIGHT!
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (April 30, 2020) – Tonight we bring on the folks surrounding AFT's newest OEM partner: Royal Enfield. This special AFT Show presented by Royal Enfield features Bree Poland, Marketing Lead Americas for Royal Enfield, and Johnny Lewis, the man piloting their show-stopping Royal Enfield Twins FT in AFT competition this season.
Join the voice of AFT, Scottie Deubler, and our newest edition to the show, pit reporter Kristen Beat, as we dig into what has become the most anticipated flat track machine of 2020.
Tune into the AFT Show presented by Royal Enfield on AFT's Facebook Page beginning tonight at 7:00 p.m. ET (4:00 p.m. PT).
To access AFT's Facebook page visit www.facebook.com/AmericanFlatTrack.
For more information on American Flat Track visit www.americanflattrack.com.
To get the latest American Flat Track clothing and merchandise visit www.americanflattracker.com.